Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Labor Unions And Its Effect On Income Inequality - 912 Words

LABOR UNIONS With many laws enacted to tarnish their effectiveness in the appearance of a better functioning economy, labor unions appear to have an unmistakable effect on income inequality. Western and Rosenfeld explain the power of the labor union and how important of a role it holds for its workers. Western and Rosenfeld analyzes the contributions that unions made and the consequences of their decline coupled with the rise in unfair wage distribution. Kristal supports that the lack of bargaining ability hinders the effectiveness that unions used to have and this event is the result of computer technology damaging the laborers ability to appear useful and necessary in the eyes of the capitalists. Union Influence While government policies are a part of Volscho and Kelly’s research, they recognize that other factors affect income inequality. Strong labor unions are capable of reducing income inequality that is brought on by the decisions made in the market. The stronger a union is, the more bargaining power they possess so that they are able to fight for better pay and a more equal distribution of income. Western and Rosenfeld agree with this statement as their research pertains more on labor unions and their relationship with income inequality. During the 1970’s, labor unions were at their strongest, with as many as one in three people working in a union. From the 1980’s to currently, not only has labor union membership decreased to single digits, but wage inequality hasShow MoreRelatedMovements for Social Change in an Integrated Global Economy Essay examples902 Words   |  4 PagesIncome inequality between the rich and the poor continues to be a significant concern in the United States, prompting national headlines and serious political debate regarding governmental policy. Historically, economies based on capitalism tend to have a pro-business stance, implementing pro-business policies to spur economic growth (Zinn, 2010). 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